27th November at the Green Door Store: Mai Mai Mai / Hum / Breaking Robots

Experimental electronics, improv, incantations and astral forays from Brighton and the Outer Limits

SOG Nov 14 poster

Mai Mai Mai
Italo-Occulto-Psychedlicko astral forays

Solo project by Rome based Toni Cutrone. His latest output Δέλτα (Delta) is a journey of Italo-Occulto-Psychedlicko astral forays that stretch beyond space and time. Ceremonial driving beats mix and weave with far-out ambient son0scapes and Giallo tinted non-melodies. Cutrone is also a member of the noise-rock outfit Hiroshima Rocks and runs the NO=FI Recordings label, Dal Verme Club in Rome and annual Thalassa festival. Bello…

incantations, chanting drones, ritual drummings, french variété

[shanti, shanti, shanti] [[[₪{{{

Kosmik Phenomenon, constellation triangle of MW // H \\ Uiutna ~ WE ARE ONE ~ mantra Arch-Mages of astral magic and sound Mysteries, H+U+M unite Elements, whirl, lift {stones, spacecraft bell, electronics>>>> They abandon themselveself to alchemical practice, incantations, chanting drones, ritual drummings, french variété ; “All things done must come undone”
FX From the Depths, they venture, voyage~voyage {{sonicexplorations, interzone travels, cyphers, waves, bubble, aux couleurs d’été eternelle………

They invite you for soul dance – particules – envision vision division : Los…Void…Clasp…Cloud…Hands…Eye…Sea…More…INFINITY

Heloise and Olmo (Uiutna) run ZamZam recs out of Bristol dedicating sacred energies to the label and putting on many gigs-events-radios-festivals-fares etc. in Bristol and beyond…. Mark Wagner runs MKII creative and healing space in London.

Breaking Robots
Free improvisation on the themes of assimilation & disintegration to promote a human awakening process through music and performance that seeks awareness and solutions to dehumanising social conditions & behaviour

Cymagick demo

Cymagick describes a practice consisting of : study of Vibratory Phenomena, Mystical Experience and Creative Expression.
The term is derived from Cymatics – the science of visualisation of sound, and is composed of the words Kyma which is Greek for wave and magick, with a ‘k’ to mark it’s esoteric tradition and occult leanings and to differentiate it from stage magic. Cymagick is insight into the vibratory nature of all things and shows some of the mesmerising invisible correlations between worlds seen and unseen. It bears profound metaphysical implications which often provoke strong physical, mental and spiritual effects in the manipulator and spectator alike…

Wildrfid DJ
Disco-functional creative DJ Si-mon Wildrfid half way between Jockey and live de/recomposition. Runs cult experimental output record label Wildrfid from Switzerland.

Thursday 27th November | 8pm – 10.30pm | £5
@ The Green Door Store


Wednesday 17th December at the Scope: Ripsaw Catfish shoaling with The Static Memories / Nyogotha

Wednesday 21st January at the Scope: Warrior Squares / Laborotoro