New release on the Spirit of Gravity BandCamp label: McCloud – Spherical Dancehall

A new release from Spirit of Gravity is out now – Spherical Dancefloor by McCloud.
McCloud – otherwise Geoff Cheesemaster – presents a three-track mini-album of intense and introspective minimalism. Partly recorded live, it packs a scratchy rhythmic punch.
It all started when he bought a drum machine. “Two years on, the sounds I had inside finally came out of my mind, down through my arms and into my kit” he says, “I’ve been performing these two pieces for the last few shows and enjoying them very much. Each one is different.”

The album can be downloaded or streamed here:

Next radio broadcast on ResonanceExtra FM: Sunday 23rd March – 8.00 to 10.00pm

Gravity Waves and the Spirit World

Sunday 23rd March 2025 from 8.00 to 10.00pm on ResonanceExtra FM, DAB radio or online at

Details to follow

The February edition of the Spirit of Gravity Radio show is available on the ResonanceFM Mixcloud page:
This month’s Gravity Waves segment features tracks from one of the founders mixed by another, plus more remixes from McCloud, something new from Spirit of Gravity member MelJoann, plus music from around our orbit, and in the second hour we feature Spectral Transmissions #11: Fallen Shrines.

Thursday 6th March at the Rossi Bar: Evey / Cederick Knox / Emma Papper & Jason Smart

Evey: Electro post-punk meets industrial tech-noir
Cederick Knox: VHS mashup with live improv synth score
Emma Papper & Jason Smart: Electropop for those who don’t like electropop

Evey is the moniker of Brighton based musician James Eve,who makes music inspired by both the raw, focused electronics of post punkbands like Cabaret Voltaire and the playful arrangements of early RyuichiSakomoto, full of urgent, propulsive bass-energy and gloomy, cinematic breadth.

Cederick Knox will perform their ongoing and evolving VHS mashup project ‘Archive Fever’, made from chopped up 70s and 80s BBC music documentaries and old black and white news reels. Music is derived from the original film soundtracks and glitches, guerrilla field recordings of orchestras and choirs, and a live improvised synth soundtrack on a Volca FM and Stylophone theremin. Think People Like Us reimagined by Carl Stalling with the fatiguing, neurotic repetition of early Philip Glass.

Unlikely duet Emma Papper and Jason Smart; dark lords ofthe underworld, visionary poets of a lost generation, inventors of the Cadburycream egg. They are none of these things.
The follow up to Daytrip to Europa – the Night Bus toBognor

Live visuals by Meljoann

The Rossi Bar is a small grade II building, and they are restricted with how they can improve access for anyone with mobility issues. The live music venue is located in the basement, which can only be accessed by a short spiral staircase. More accessibility information and images of the venue are in this document:

“The Spirit of Gravity: making experimental music a threat again – since 2001”

Thursday 6th March 2025 | 8pm – 10.30pm | £5 (cash only)
Downstairs @ The Rossi Bar
8 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3WA