20th Anniversary

In 2021, the Spirit of Gravity has been operating in Brighton for 20 years, our first event under this name having taken place at the Lift in Queens Road on 17th January 2001. This achievement was commemorated in a series of writings to mark the occasion.

We were very honoured when Bobby Barry wrote an article for the Quietus on the history of the Spirit of Gravity, The Experience Of Weightlessness: Spirit Of Gravity Turns 20. To learn about the forming of the Spirit of Gravity Collective, and hear about a disastrous night at Riki Tik’s, you can read the article here:


We released a compilation our BandCamp Netlabel, Elliptical Orbits, offering a beguiling cross-section of the interesting stuff we’ve been putting on these past two decades.

Stream or download the album here: spiritofgravity.bandcamp.com/album/elliptical-orbits

We have also been re-releasing some of the CDs given away at our gigs over the years. Look out for these and more to come on our BandCamp page:


Founder Nick Rilke wrote a poem, using his hallmark mix of myth and reality:

The real and imagined history of the spirit of gravity. A poem in 6 parts.

Hear a recording of Nick’s poem performed by actor Sasha de Goguel here:

Both Founders Nick Rilke and Tony Rimbaud collaborated on a manifesto of Experiential music, a term invented to describe the sounds produced by the Spirit of Gravity:

Manifesto of Experiential music

Dan Powell shares his memories of the first ever Spirit of Gravity gig, and yes, that night at Riki Tik’s:

Dan’s memories

The July edition of Gravity Waves and the Spirit World, our radio show on ResonanceExtra, was devoted to a personal selection of live tracks recorded at Spirit of Gravity events over the last 20 years, compiled by Tony Rimbaud. Listen back to the show on the ResonanceExtra Mixcloud page:

Completing the 20th Anniversary year, we released a 2nd collection of tracks from acts that have appeared at our events since the we started in 2001, Elliptical Orbits 2.

Available to stream and download now at spiritofgravity.bandcamp.com/album/elliptical-orbits-2