9th April at the Green Door Store: Tim Shaw & Sébastien Piquemal / Binnsclagg / Nuclear Whale

GDS Apr 15

Tim Shaw and Sébastien Piquemal
Fields – mobile technology as a medium for sound diffusion

Sébastien and Tim explore mobile technology as a medium for sound diffusion. Audience members can join in by simply connecting to a specific website with their mobile phone, laptop or tablet. The connected devices become an array of speakers that the performers can control live, resulting in an omni-directional sonic experience. This project provides an alternative method for sound spatialisation as well as offering new ways in which audiences can engage in sonic works. Fields has been performed in Helsinki, Berlin, Athens, Lisbon and Newcastle.

Tim Shaw (tim-shaw.net)

Tim Shaw has worked internationally as a professional composer, performer, sound designer and researcher. His practice incorporates diverse approaches to sound capture and processing, and includes creating immersive and site responsive sonic installations. His compositional methods include field recordings, synthesized sounds and live electronics, providing a wide scope for creative diversity. At the heart of his work lies a concern with the auditory reflection and mirroring of real world environments through sound and technology. He is currently studying a PhD in Digital Media at Culture Lab alongside managing Newcastle based record label Triptik. Tim has created commissions for Warp Records, The British Council, The British Science Association, Pacitti Company, Tender Buttons and Transform Festival.

Sébastien Piquemal (funktion.fm/)

Sébastien Piquemal is a computer engineer, obsessively exploring the artistic capabilities of machines. After working several years as a full-stack web developer in Helsinki, Finland, he decided to dedicate himself fully to making music. Since then, he has been an active contributor to the open-source software community, leading various projects such as WebPd (Pure Data patches running in the web browser). As a lover of Jazz and improvised music, Sébastien is seeking new ways to place human interaction at the core of live music. He is presently doing a MA degree in sound in new media at Media Lab Helsinki.

Franchised esoteric babble & slash-poems

“Binnsclagg is an international franchise comprising Karl M V Waugh (CEO – Spock) and Veritie French (Secretary, Harry). Circuits, collage, slash-poems, Scientology, esoteric babble, game-play, unique, money.” – Steve Lamacq
“Despite accusations of impropriety they have continued to manufacture robots with deep psychological quirks and occasional psychedelic schisms.” – David Tibet

Nuclear Whale
Evolving Dark Ambient Electronica

Nuclear Whale for your consideration presents a dark slab of space ambience… evolving and snarling in anticipation of a new album. Analogue industrial evolving beats and overlapping drone textures.

Thursday 9th April | 8pm – 10.30pm | £5
@ The Green Door Store
Undercroft, Brighton Train Station, BN1 4FQ Brighton


Wednesday 15th April at the Scope: Renfield / Chemical Bbrench / I’m Dr Buoyant & Ron Caines