RDyer: New songs! Sadder! Seventh chords!
Andrew Greaves and Dan Powell: Gravity stalwarts up to some new tricks
Lee Ashcroft: Mournful bass, lethargic rhythm: a journey through the haze of physical & mental exhaustion
RDyer has: New songs! Sadder! Darker! Seventh chords! Inversions!
Polyrhythms on harp, more drones, electric guitar, more plaintive singing, stripped back maybe but not guaranteed. More feedback, distortion and weird noises. But also still songs. And probably the Canary song.
The possibility of a big harp with machines on it.
Depending on who you ask, Lee Ashcroft is either a musician, writer, social care worker, artist, theremin player, autistic man, internet radio host, 2-time loser of BBC’s Pointless, or 1-time member of The Justified Ancients Of Mu Mu. He lives with his partner in North Essex, UK.
Among other pseudonyms too numerous and irrelevant to mention, Lee has previously recorded and performed as 00’s bootleg/mashup provocateur/nuisance Mixomatosis, recording for egalitarian netlabel Digital Vomit, Austrian experimental label Hirntrust Grind Media, and Stockport’s legendary V/Vm Test Records, while lip-syncing aggressively to audiences across the East and South East of England throughout the decade. He also recorded and performed as The Nearly, releasing 2011’s ‘Cathode Rave’ for El Perro Rojo Records, a 9-minute album which, depending on which zines you read, either represents “the future of pop music” or makes you “feel physically sick.” ‘Persons Underground’ is the first album he has recorded under his birth name.
As well as performing music, Lee currently writes for American online publication In Spite Magazine and hosts a 4-weekly radio show for French internet station CAMP Radio, both under the name One Man Underground.
Andrew Greaves and Dan Powell are both Brighton based musicians with a background in experimental music and sound art. Their first collaboration was Inside Journeys, a residency which explored the physical and historical spaces occupied by The Rose Hill as an arts space, a pub, and a building.
You can find out more about the residency and listen to the album here: www.therosehill.co.uk/artists/1822-171122-dan-powell-amp-andrew-greaves-inside-journeys
Improvisation takes centre stage in Andrew and Dan’s new work, a follow-up to their collaboration on Inside Journeys. The duo’s partially improvised piece is framed by pre-recorded conversations exploring their musical thinking, creating a dynamic interplay between planned and spontaneous elements from the very start.
Bio information:
Dan Powell is a sound artist who uses field recordings, handmade and proprietary electronics and amplified objects. His main interest is exploring places which have a particular personal resonance. He has released a couple of albums of sound art on Crónica as well as being active in electro-acoustic improvisation in London and Brighton, playing with Gus Garside in The Static Memories, and Chris Parfitt in Nil. Currently he performs as part of Muster with James O’Sullivan.
Andrew Greaves is an active member of both the Spirit of Gravity and the Safehouse improvisation collectives. Andrew’s pieces combine melodic analogue electronic improvisations within layered settings. Employing minimalist repetition and collages of manipulated found sounds. Andrew’s works explore memory and recollection and the process of subconscious influences arising within spontaneous improvisation. Andrew believes each of us hold an incalculable library of memories, forming a unique fingerprint of influences and perspectives. His work seeks to access this resource via improvisation to create instant compositions.His work has been used in film, both in the form of live soundtrack performances and produced soundtrack scores.
Live visuals by Meljoann
The Rossi Bar is a small grade II building, and they are restricted with how they can improve access for anyone with mobility issues. The live music venue is located in the basement, which can only be accessed by a short spiral staircase. More accessibility information and images of the venue are in this document:
“The Spirit of Gravity: making experimental music a threat again – since 2001”
Thursday 3rd April 2025 | 8pm – 10.30pm | £5 (cash only)
Downstairs @ The Rossi Bar
8 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3WA