Tag: Capslock 20s

experiments sometimes work

Capslock 20s reprised the Strobe Experiment # 2 and made a much better fist of it this time.

As you can see they mic’d up a strobe, and as you can’t see but would expect ran it through some carefully chosen effects. Gently riding the feedback and forming into warblings andf shapes that recalled the ipcress file.
Video footage below. soundfiles here.

The Birds of DIsco Valley are The Disco Tears and the Birds of Death Valley combining into a Brass band dub stomp rave up ambient theremin thingy of fun.

If you don’t believe me just ask here.

Tomas Hiltz, partially just back from Beachdown festival were beaty but improvy, drony but funky and some other contradictory things.

But All Good.

The Video

Thomas Hiltz live at the Spirit of Gravity 26.08.2008. Visuals by _minimalVector. from Bartosz Dylewski on Vimeo.

The capSlock 20’s live at the Spirit of Gravity 26.08.2008 (part 1). Visuals by _minimalVector. from Bartosz Dylewski on Vimeo.

The capSlock 20’s live at the Spirit of Gravity 26.08.2008 (part 2). Visuals by _minimalVector. from Bartosz Dylewski on Vimeo.