Outside the space-age

A busy night at the marlborough Theatre, starting off with a brief but entertaining burst of unpoesy analogue improv from that fake bureacracy. The picture has Notnick Rilke reclining and Untony’s rather nice van’s just visible from behind the table.

Is their entire set.

Komuso Buddha machines had another special one off performance for us. This time a piece for six Buddha machines and two Zoundz. The Buddha machines were distributed amongst members of the audience who had complete control of them and there was one Zoundz machine onstage with FX and one Zoundz in the audience. Overall a very inetersting experience in 3d sound. Here rendered in Mono simulated stereo.


Hot Roddy Bingo. Really needs no description. But that won’t stop me. Brief bursts of Hot Roddy songs, including live sitar. In random order, with bingo numbers called. The winner was Mr Gillitt of Roundhill Crescent who won the ingredients to make pancakes (it was shrove Tuesday after all).


KEYKEEPER+TEMPOS, Henry made an introductory speech about the nature of experimental music making and its current state. Then with some new software tweaked to strangeness, a toy guitar and some household appliances he sang a few songs There is a point on the recording where you can hear someone say “It’s like Danny and the Dressmakers crossed with The Butthole Surfers in a washing machine…In space”
And thats a fair enough set of pointers if you know any of them concerend. For the rest of you its Outsider electro-noise art.
