November 2016
Green Door Store
Noisferatu start with a gong, a recorded bell and a thunderstorm. Onstage are the masked duo joined by Kev Nickells on what will turn out to be heavily delayed saxophone and at the back of the stage with an easel, artist graham Fletcher. They’re showing their customised sped up version of the 1922 Mernau film. They start slowly with an “All hail Thee Radish” and some pleading for radishes for Graham. Kev Hough wanders about, clanking percussion, Carl creates the drones and beats, Kev N works up a pattern of skronk, It’s some kind of beat nightmare and all starts to slip and slur. Kev H gets to work on a dulcimer, as everything blurs into terrifying drones, the painting is revealed as a portrait of Vlad the Impaler in vermilion powder paint. The radish chant restarts and they do the dance and troop off single file.
Timeron is James, he sets up just in front of the mixing desk looking at the stage so he can see his visuals, and not get in the way. He’s running an AV synth setup, so everything he does with the controls impacts on both the tones and visuals. It’s a pretty sweet setup, nice tonal electronics, very rhythmic with almost oscilloscope visuals for a lot of it, lovely green swathes of colour dancing around the screen. We also had some folk dancing around on the floor, too. It’s not the first time we’ve had dancing at SoG, but I wouldn’t go as far a to say it was the 5th. There’s a nice radiophonic techno feel to it. Warm and analogue but not too dense. And you can see exactly how the sound and visuals fit together, there’s some nice bits where one colour is pulsing with the bass while we see washes of colour swirl the drones around the screen.
My recollection of Isn’tses seems to bear no relation with the clips I’ve got: my mind says, crazy rhythmic structures – trance party vibes, but twisted; nothing at all like the Harsh Noise Walls I know these acts for – yet the videos are both blasts of adrenaline. There’s one that at least looks like the “Subterranneans from Stingray having a rave-up” that I remember, but is plastered by a heavy bass noise wash, with Lisa’s growling vocals 5 or 6 octaves below where her voice would normally be. The masks and her reflective suit look the part very much though. They too have a video synth, but theirs generates small regular pseudo geometria, that don’t tie up so closely with the sound.
To be fair they do blast the start with some Heavy beats, before slipping into some pretty noisy interludes and sliding out with voices and a simple if irregular beat.
Other material available online
Carl Anderson posted video of Noisferatu and Timeron on Vimeo
Agata Urbaniak’s fantastic quality photos of the night:
Plus the whole Isn’tses set is available on Bandcamp: