So the first show in our new home The Three And Ten in Steine Street.
We like it, it has something of the Albert, Something of the Marlborough and a little something all of its own.
We were the first show in apart from the comedians so things were a bit tricky at first. but we soon got the hang of it.
Dan Powell opened the venue, playing from the back. Perversely. Accompanied by very abstract visuals from _minimalVector.
he never gives me titles for his pieces, so I’ve called this segment “Wilf”
Setting up on the floor of the stage with his Sitar, out of sight, but partially in range of Bartosz video feed was Same Actor making his second appearance in this blog of recent times. It is another good one, natch.
Stepping in at the last minute for Bemass, who couldn’t make it due to bela being caught ill in Vancvouver, was ‘J’m black (again) with a Safehouse Wildcard Electro-Acoustic Ensemble.
Featuring Monty Oxymoron, from The Damned, Alasdair Willis from The Vitamin B12, Alastair Strachan from Vole, and matt Grey, who I’ve not seen play before.
This is a bit from the space section of their set, before Monty got into jazzy chords.