Tag: I’m Dr Buoyant

brothers and the hoover

An exciting evenings entertainment, lets get going. pictures and mp3’s first, video later….

Heres an brief snippet of Tony Rimbauds current project I’m Dr Buoyant

And then Robin Rimbauds Scanner followed by another picture showing _minimalVector to better effect.

And then a drop down roll on the floor crazyfest

From Slash’s Wormhole.

I’m dr buoyant – Sog Jan

slash’s wormhole sog jan 2009

slash’s wormhole intro sog 2009

scanner @ sog Jan 2009

scanner @ sog Jan 2009 pt II

scanner @ sog Jan 2009 pt III

the snowy country of mental states

As you can imagine Xmas provides us all with a stressful opportunity to do something festive, no matter what we’re usually like.

So I’m Dr Buoyant Collected together loads of cheery Christmas samples and got together and made some spectacularly weird music. As you’d expect.

Then we had Don Tempi to show us how its done, TV Advertising from July 1981. Couldn’t be finer.

Only video of Don I’m afraid.
Don Tempi – Pacers

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Finally the Samoans enacted Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Daft buggers. Here is the bit with the chairs all upside down and the football game.

The samoans vs HST

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This soundclip is actually from the following night at Wrong music when they tried to do it again with mi and only one Samoan. And failed miserably.

April Show

Three acts booked plus a special bonus guest courtesy of Britch and Bela.

Starting the evening first solo performance at the Spirit of Gravity for Founder and Malevich member Tony Rimbaud as I’m Dr Buoyant.

The Joy of Loops and The pleasure of extreme repetition would seem to be his forte, you’ve had a preview of the cd, it seems next up will be a mini cd of this show, so consider this a preview of that.


Chris arranged for Kay Grant to play as his last booking before he moved to the big city. She came along with her sideband project: Chris Weaver, a former heavy metal drummer turned laptops and electronics improvisor and dan hayhurst, a sculptor who used tape loops and found sound. I don’t know if it was deliberate but they were composed on stage left to right tallest to shortest; analogue to digital, with Kay holding the centra ground all the way.
their music was a mesmerising performance of wibbling tape manipulations, processed vocal sounds and strange digital inprovisations.

here is the first eight minutes of their set:


We had a heartfelt tribute to the late poet and humorist Ivor Cutler and then our surprise guest for the evening played. Ultrafoetus, it was short and chunky, we liked it. heres a picture of Fuzz, catlike, stalking the beat in his laptop.

And heres an mp3 of one of his pieces.

Minimal Impact was very pleased to bring the show to a close with an off the cuff dream piece about the war on noise, or was it the noise on terror?

We listened to it in the near dark, and its at its best if you do, too.

Ah, I’ve lost it. Doh!
I’ll find it yet!

Found it: again its the initial part of the set
